2023-12-10 Members Meeting Summary
At the time of meeting we had 14 of 108 votes from outside the board. The board brought that number to 19 which was still well short of the 58 needed for quorum. Due to this, the election was not held. The second meeting for the election will be Monday, January 8th, 2024 at 7pm. As required, you will be receiving another mailed notice about this meeting and it will again include your voting code for online proxy voting.
Thank you so much to those who already voted! Others, please take the time to submit a proxy vote this time (you will need the code from the postcard to do so). Two or three minutes to do this will save hours of preparing mailings and hundreds of budget dollars in materials and postage costs. The January meeting needs at least 10 more votes to meet the now-halved quorum threshold of 29 to finalize the election of the 5th board seat. Yes, there is only one name on the ballot. Current state law still requires this process be completed.
2023-12-10 Board Meeting Summary
Meetings for 2024 were scheduled for the following:
2024-01-08 7pm – Board Meeting & Second Members Meeting
2024-04-08 7pm – Board Meeting
2024-07-08 7pm – Board Meeting
2024-10-14 7pm – Board Meeting
2024-12-09 7pm – 2024 Annual Members Meeting (Election of 2 seats) & Board Meeting (2025 Budget)
As always, all meeting details are available on the website.
The $100 transfer charge that new owners pay into the HOA was reinstated starting 2024-01-01. If your home sale is closing on that date or later, please ensure the relevant real estate agents and attorneys are made aware of the HOA. A good attorney reviewing the title will already know, but unfortunately some homes that closed in 2023 saw the new owners not given that information and were left with a past-due balance on their new property. Forms for new owner contact information and the $100 transfer charge will be available on the resources page by 2024-01-01.
Forms like a welcome letter, receipts, and an annually prefilled uniform condominium questionnaire were discussed and will be prepared and used going into 2024.
The reserve fund was pinned to $16,000 (which is about one year of outgoing expenses at current rates) going forward. Once the reserve fund is met in about 3 years that line will drop to zero on the budget unless reserves need to be used. Funds on hand beyond outflows in addition to this amount will be incidental and will offset assessments the following year.
The 2024 budget was discussed and approved. As mentioned prior the assessments dropped by ~12%. Invoices will be prepared and mailed at the end of December for early January delivery to members. This year coupons will be included should you wish to pay the assessments monthly rather than annually. No reminder invoices will be sent unless late fees are assessed. Paid receipts will be provided for 2024.
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